Dream in Black and White Tote bag

Dream in Black White

Dream of a deep dive into the sea, without the need for oxygen or thermal gear… Just you and an ethereal orca, gracefully gliding alongside as if he were completely weightless. Many people dream about meeting the amazing killer whale, the sleek black and white graceful beauty of this powerful yet gentle being. The vast intelligence and agility defines the lure of this apex predator. A dream about Orcas is a fine dream indeed, but we also dream of a world in which orcas and other marine mammals are safe from the devastating effects human behavior has on their lives and their habitats and are able to expand their populations to historic numbers.

This tote bag has 100% cotton handles that make carrying your tote comfortable and easy. The bag itself is made of 100% brushed polyester. This durable and lightweight material creates a soft and light surface for your tote and protects its contents.

  • Bag 15" x 15" (38.1cm x 38.1cm)
  • Capacity – 2.6 US gal (10l)
  • Maximum weight limit – 44lbs (20kg)
  • Brushed polyester is soft but durable and protects your fabrics
  • Quality materials in the bag and handles make carrying comfortable and easy
  • Carry it with you to the beach, pool, gym, class or work
  • Unique design helps your bag stand out from the rest
  • Helps to promote awareness and conservation of marine mammals